Education Development

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Encouraging Healthy Development

When kids start attending formal school, there are a lot of things that parents should be mindful of. From moving forward with various curriculums to trying to figure out the best way to teach a child to listen in class, it really makes a big difference when you stop to think about how things are working for your child, and what you can do to assist them. On this simple website, you can learn how to encourage healthy development in a child, and how to foster great learning so they learn to love school every single day. Check out these blogs for more advice.


3 Reasons To Complete Flight Training To Become An Air Taxi Operator

4 February 2020
 Categories: Education & Development, Blog

Air taxis are a lot more common than you might realize. Typically, an air taxi is a helicopter, although small airplanes are sometimes used as well. If you go to flight school, you might be able to secure a job as an air taxi operator, which can be a great job opportunity. These are a few reasons why you should think about going through flight training so that you can look for this type of job. Read More …

How Pre-School Helps Children Who Lose A Parent At A Young Age

3 February 2020
 Categories: Education & Development, Blog

Parents are an absolute necessity for any child because they help to direct their development and give them a better understanding of the world around them. Unfortunately, children who lose parents at a young age may experience trauma that impacts their development for years. Thankfully, pre-school can help in many ways. Losing a Parent Very Young Could Affect a Child's School Development When a pre-kindergarten child loses a parent at a young age, they are going to experience a high level of trauma. Read More …

5 Good Reasons To Listen To Inspirational Podcasts

29 January 2020
 Categories: Education & Development, Blog

The type of content that you consume, whether on television or music, radio shows, or podcasts, can impact how you look at the world around you and what you do in your own life. If you're looking to make some positive changes in your life, it's worthwhile to consider listening to inspirational podcast shows. There are many positive podcasts to choose from that are entertaining and interesting. Here are some good reasons to give positive podcasts a listen: Read More …

4 Tips To Help Your Child Prepare For Kindergarten

27 January 2020
 Categories: Education & Development, Blog

Going to kindergarten can be a big step for both you and your child. If they're used to being at home with you all day, it can be an adjustment to have to leave home and attend classes all day. Even though it takes time to adjust to this new lifestyle, kindergarten can be a great environment for your child to learn and grow. Plus, they will make many friends at school. Read More …

Why You Should Take Your Kids On A Field Trip To The Local Space Museum

27 January 2020
 Categories: Education & Development, Blog

Most kids know what "outer space" is from a young age, but learning the finer details can take time. If your school wants to start introducing an astronomy class or additional ways to teach your kids about the stars, you might be in the planning stages for how you will get your children to engage with this new material. One possibility you might not have considered is to jump start or supplement your teachings with a trip to the local space museum or space exhibit. Read More …